Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Celebrate the arts and God-given creativity in Children with S.A.M. I AM!

WHERE? New Hope United Methodist Church, 7115 W. Hood (and Nickerson), Chicago is located 2 blocks north of Peterson, 2 blocks east of Harlem

WHO? Children 4 – 12 years of age (see details inside brochure)

WHEN? Sunday, August 8 is the S.A.M. I AM Kick-Off from 6-7:00pm for the whole family. MYX (Methodist Youth for Christ) will perform juggling, singing, dancing and acrobats. A brief overview of the week and refreshments will be shared. Then, Monday –Thursday, children will participate in a variety of arts beginning with dinner at 6:00pm. Each night concludes by 8:00pm. On Thursday a special celebration performance will begin at 7:45pm.

REGISTRATION: Complete a registration and medical form for each child. Suggested donation is $10/per child. Scholarships are available. Preschoolers will explore the arts through a separate age-appropriate curriculum. Children kindergarten and older will be grouped with mixed ages.

Registration for SAM I AM is now available!

SAM I AM (aka Summer Arts Ministry) registration materials are now available for download:
Registration Form
Medical Release
Volunteer Form

Print copies of these forms are also available in the church office. Return your completed forms to the church office.

Successful Rummage Sale

Thank you to everyone who helped before, during and after our Rummage Sale on Saturday, June 19. The weather was beautiful and we had a great turnout! We couldn't have done it without you!

Summer Arts Ministry is Coming Soon!

Summer Arts Ministry, aka SAM I AM, will be offered during the week of August 9. More details are coming soon along with registration materials. You and your children won't want to miss this week of artistic expression that feeds the spirit!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Evening Study Update

Evening Bible Study classes will resume in the fall.

Moms' Group Update

Moms' Group is on hiatus until September

A Word from Our Trustees about Our Parsonage

As you know, Pastor Wendy and her family have moved into their own home and so we are grateful to be welcoming Rev. Zothian and Caroline Mawia into the New Hope parsonage beginning July 1. Rev. Mawia has been appointed as the pastor at Edison Park UMC. The Mawias have three grown children living in other parts of the United States. Rev. Mawia has been the bishop of the Methodist Church in Burma/Myanmar for the past ten years. He will be studying at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary while serving as pastor of Edison Park UMC. If you see them around the parsonage, please give them a warm welcome! As part of our appreciation, we took up the carpet, refinished the hardwood floors and are in the midst of painting.

Coming in Worship Over the Summer

Over the summer Pastor Wendy will be on maternity leave. We welcome the following persons as our preachers and worship leaders:
June 27:
Rev. Darryl Stephens, Deacon
July 4: Rev. Bob Burkhart, retired clergy
July 11: Rev. Jerry Miller, retired clergy; Summer Outdoor Worship Sunday
July 18: Rev. Jerry Miller, retired clergy
July 25: Sue Laurie, MDiv
August 1: Rev. Bob Burkhart, retired clergy
August 8: Rev. Lisl Heymans Paul, Director of Agape House Campus Ministry
August 15: Rev. Darryl Stephens, Deacon
August 22: Myka Kennedy Stephens, MDiv, Deaconess
August 29: TBA

Collecting School Supplies!

The Food Pantry is collecting school supplies and donations for backpacks to be assembled on July 23rd from 4 to 6 p.m. We are accepting donations and supplies, including backpacks, from now through July 20.

Community Event for the New Hope Food Pantry

On Saturday, August 7, 2010 from 6 to 8 p.m., come listen to live music and enjoy refreshments! The price of admission is a paper product, such as paper towels or a box of facial tissue. Music will be provided by The Lonesome Theologians and Oatmeal Stout (which includes New Hope's own Dale Moyer).

Pastoral Care Needs During Pastor Wendy's Maternity Leave

Both Rev. Bob Burkhart and Rev. Jerry Miller (retiring pastor from Edison Park UMC) will be "on call" for pastoral care over the summer. Please leave a message on Pastor Wendy's voicemail (773-593-1555) and one of them will be in touch with you right away.

Summer Office Hours

Helen Murphy, pastoral assistant, will have back surgery on July 12th and will be out of the office for the rest of the summer. We will be lining up volunteers to cover office duties on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon. If you can help answer the phones any of these days, please let Pastor Wendy or Staff-Parish Relations Chairperson Chris Prochenski know immediately.

Nurture News - Summer 2010

On behalf of the New Hope family, I want to extend our thanks to those who have (or will) extended nurture and hospitality in May and June.

Julie Bruno and Susan Laurie, Dan and Kathy McKune

Lectionary Readers:
Bob Keur, Joan Parker, Chris Prochenski

Fellowship Hour:
Shirley and Bob Burkhart, The Hardin-Hermann Family, Carol Filskov, Bob Spohn and Annette Caporusso, The Moyer Family, the Murphy’s and Liz Okayama and Helene Johannesen

New Hope was part of the fun and color of the Norwood Park Memorial Day Parade. The rain was intermittent – it only rained during the parade! Spirits were high. Jasmine, Lucy and Madison were popular with the candy – especially the Dove bars. Sunny yellow notes were shared highlighting summer at New Hope: worship, rummage sale, SAM I AM, and the Food Pantry. Ask Norma about her new evangelism strategy!

Thanks are extended to Helen Murphy for her behind-the-scenes effort for Mother’s Day when all of the women of the congregation were gifted with a flowering plant. And thanks to our kids for the special deliveries!

The Norwood Park Food Pantry has received extraordinary donations from the Post Office letter carriers in May. Then it secured a large contribution of hygiene and medical products from Topco. The volunteers have rallied! Thanks for the generosity of time sorting and storing. The medical supplies were then delivered to the Ark, who provides free social and medical services to help distressed members of our Chicagoland Jewish family.

Appreciation to Helene Johannesen, Barb Kurtz, Gloria Borson, and Sue Laurie for their coordination of the Rummage Sale. Let’s multiply their efforts and bring a successful sale by joining them in the next few weeks to help sort, price, carry and staff the sale. Bring a friend. Many hands make light work and make the work more fun!

Many people routinely offer their time and talents to keep our church family humming. The hum was a steady buzz in May! Thanks to each of you for your part in our New Hope Church community.

Please note that potluck dinners are the 2nd Sunday of every month.

With continuing gratitude for this church community, I thank you for the nurture you offer to me and that we offer to each other.

Blessings in this season warmth and light,
Julie Bruno

Nurture Volunteer Opportunities

Each of you is invited to consider participating in the special nurture roles that we have available each week.

Greeters arrive 15-20 minutes ahead of worship and welcome members, friends and guests to worship on Sunday mornings with warm smiles and friendly greetings. They hand out worship bulletins and children's bulletins and encourage us to wear our name tags. We are in need of greeters each week for the next few months. Please contact Julie Bruno (773-467-4452) if you are interested in learning more about serving as a greeter. Training can be provided.

Lectionary readers
welcome us to worship at the beginning of each Sunday service and read the Bible lesson for that week. This is an opportunity to actively participate in worship as you come forward to the microphone and read. Readers are provided with the information they will read by Thursday to allow time for preparation to read on Sunday. I would ask that you prayerfully consider participating in worship in this way.

Each week, we gather as a community after worship for fellowship and snacks. We take turns as a community to host the fellowship hour. We are in need of hosts each week that we don't have pot-luck. Hosting involves bringing snacks to share like breads, crackers, cheese, fruit, veggies, or cookies. The church provides dishes, utensils and drinks. There is a sign-up sheet on the bench as you enter the fellowship room. Set up and clean up assistance is always available.

Wednesday Morning Study Group on Summer Vacation

The Wednesday Morning group is on hiatus until sometime in the Fall.

Food Pantry Seeks Your Help

The New Hope Community Food Pantry needs your assistance each Monday at 10 a.m. for unloading deliveries, and each Tuesday (as you are able) from 9:00-11:30 when our clients come in. Also, if you are available to help with early pick-ups from the Chicago Food Depository (at 7 a.m.!), your help is needed! For more details, contact food pantry director Bill Murphy.

Volunteer Opportunity for Greater Chicago Food Depository

Join us as a volunteer to repack food at the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Saturday, July 31, and Saturday, August 28. Volunteers will meet at New Hope at 8 a.m., returning around 1 p.m. Advance reservations are necessary because we are limited in the number of persons who can go. Talk with or contact Bob Burkhart if interested (847-583-1088). Volunteers are reminded to bring along one or two food items for the Depository.