Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Hope Book Club Tues. Nov. 29 @ 7pm

The November selection for book club is 'The Dollmaker' by Harriet Arnow. The story of a family that moves from the rural home in Appalachia to Detroit, MI. Julie and Sue will host, so plan to meet at 5810 W. Greenleaf, Chicago on Tues. Nov. 29th, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Creation" Art Classes for Youth!

"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth."
Those are some of the most well known words in the Bible. But what do they really mean to the creative mind? We are created in God's image... which means that we are created by our Creator to be creative!

Join us for "Creation" art classes led by Karen J. Layer on Fridays, October 14 and 28!
These classes, designed for creative types of grades 6 and up, will begin at 6:00 p.m. Pizza will be served promptly at 6 and all illustration supplies will be provided.

October 14 will be a cartooning class!

Any questions? Contact Pastor SoYoung Kim (773-344-7704) or Karen Layer, karenlayer(at)aol(dot)com.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Serving God with Vision!

Please join us for a season of stewardship emphasis beginning Sunday, October 16th. We plan on joyfully celebrating this time by putting a special emphasis on our children and youth ministry as well as celebrating our other ministries. We know that they are our future and we want to continue to develop a vital ministry here at New Hope!

We also plan to have fun exploring this with skits and personal stories, so expect to learn, laugh, be encouraged and be inspired.

Who know what can happen as we open our hearts and minds to SEE the possibilities in our lives? What do your truly SEE for New Hope? What is your part in this vision and how can we come together? How can we use our monetary resources to support the vision?

On Celebration Sunday, November 20, we will enjoy our bountiful potluck dinner and collect financial commitment cards for 2012.

WARNING: As God opens our eyes, we may SEE things we never saw before!

Outreach News for October

New Hope received donations for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) in response to news stories of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. Thank you for your compassion and generosity!

"New Hope Knitters" can begin making scarves for Night Ministry clients.

Food pantry donations for the months of October and November will be used for the Thanksgiving distribution on November 19th. On the first Sunday, please bring:
  • canned sweet potatoes
  • cranberry sauce
  • vegetables
  • gravy
  • boxed instant mashed potatoes
The food pantry generally distributes the holiday meal bags to 250 families!

On September 10th we set a new record! 22 volunteers trekked to GCFD from our food pantry. While there they:
  • Packed 1,040 senior boxes that will help senior citizens fave food for 3-4 days.
  • Placed 14 items in each box, packing a total of 11,960 pounds.
  • Earned $5 credit per service hour = $330 that will go to our account at the depository. We are charged between 7 and 15 cents per pound of food we receive from them.
  • This is enough for nearly a two-week supply of food.
  • Especially good news is that it was the first time for 9 of our volunteers.
  • To date, about 75 different volunteers have joined us for at least one Food Depository experience.
Thank you to everyone who participated in HopeFest on September 11th. Our church was an outstanding witness to the love and hope we find through faith. Special thanks to Sue Laurie, Liz Okayama, and Pastor SoYoung for your leadership roles serving on the planning team.

We really surpassed our goal by providing 413 prayer squares that were placed in "Thank You gift bags" to first responders in Norwood Park, Park Ridge and Des Plaines. The bags also contained homemade cookies and a thank you card. In our neighborhood we delivered bags to the Emergency Room at Resurrection Hospital and the Norwood Park Firehouse.

A snapshot of successes -- Besides the relationships built with First UMC Park Ridge, FUMC Des Plaines and with organizations in our community:
  • over 200 people experienced a commemorative service at 7:30 a.m. Darryl Stephens played taps here.
  • 600 Thank You bags were assembled
  • 50 volunteers worked at Park Ridge Youth Campus
  • 4,000 items of food donated and dispersed between 3 food pantries
  • Over 25 people visited Bethany Terrace in Morton Grove, sang in a combined choir, visited with residents, decorated a party room for Grandparents Day
  • 80 units of blood donated at the two blood drive locations
  • 1400 thank you notes written to our first responders and military
  • 1200 people participated throughout the day

Looking ahead to November: The Dollmaker

Join the New Hope book group on Tuesday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m. as we discuss The Dollmaker by Harriet Arnow. The meeting will be held at the home of Julie and Sue, 5810 W. Greenleaf, Chicago.

The story of a family that moves from the rural home in Appalachia to Detroit, MI where the father hopes for a better way of living. His wife, Gertie, is not too sure. The family settles down in a tar paper shack by the railroad tracks in an industrial area. Gertie holds onto her homespun ways, one of which is through carving. One item that she hangs onto is a piece of a tree limb in which she sees a figure of Jesus calling to her to carve it from it. The piece of cherry wood with an emerging figure becomes a metaphor for Gertie herself.

October book: The Book Thief

Join the New Hope Book Group on Tuesday, October 18 at 7:00 p.m. Meeting at Liz Okayama's house, 4340 N. Marmora, Chicago, we will be discussing The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

The story of Liesel Meminger, a young foster girl living outside of Munich in Nazi Germany. Liesel scratches out a meager existence for herself by stealing when she discovers something she can't resist--books. Soon she is stealing books from Nazi book-burnings, the mayor's wife's library, wherever they are to be found. With the help of her accordion-playing foster father, Liesel learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids. Heartwarming and heartbreaking as people endure the war.

Nurture Volunteers Needed

Would you be willing to:
  • Make coffee on Sunday mornings?
  • Bring light refreshments on Sunday mornings?
  • Serve as a greeter for worship, providing a warm welcome, handing out bulletins, lighting candles and assisting those using the chair lift?
  • Serve as liturgist during worship, reading the welcome, Scripture, and announcements?
If so, we would like you to volunteer! Thanks to those who are already serving faithfully in these roles. An orientation to each of these activities can be provided for new volunteers. Hospitality is one of the core ministries of a congregation. Sign up to offer one of these simple acts of kindness.

Fall Cleanup Day!

Join us on Saturday, October 15 from 9 a.m. to noon for our annual fall yard cleanup day! We will rake, weed, clean, chop and mow to get our church yard ready for winder.

Doughnuts and cider will make an appearance. There will also be some indoor cleaning projects for those who can offer some elbow grease there as well.

House Gatherings in October!

Join New Hope friends in your neighborhood at a House Gathering during October! One of your neighbors has offered to host you and others in the area for an evening of light refreshments and a time to get to know our new pastor.

Gatherings will begin at 7 p.m. and end by 8:30 p.m. In the comfort of your neighbor's home, you will have an opportunity to get to know your New Hope friends better. Pastor SoYoung would like to hear about your faith journeys and vision for New Hope.

Your host will contact you with the date of the House Gathering in your neighborhood. Don't miss the chance to get together for fellowship and friendship. (If that particular date is not good for your schedule, please join with another group.)

Safe Sanctuary at New Hope UMC

In order to provide a safe environment for our children and youth, New Hope UMC has adopted a Safe Sanctuary policy. This policy creates standards for our nursery, Sunday School and programming. Some of these standards include: more than one adult present at all times and windows into all classrooms. Every leader who works with children or youth must have a criminal background check run every three years. There is a procedure for lay and clergy to follow if they suspect a child is being abused. If you have any questions or would like a copy of the Safe Sanctuary Policy, please ask.

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 15 is Repack Day at GCFD

We are now recruiting volunteers to help at the October 15 repack day at Greater Chicago Food Depository. Group will meet to carpool at New Hope at 8 a.m.; return around 1 p.m. Participants must wear long pants and closed toe shoes (regardless of weather). All are asked to bring a food item or two to give to the Depository. If interested, contact Bob Burkhart at 847-583-1088 or rgburkhart(at)att(dot)net.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Join our knitting circle on October 16 after worship!

Shawls and scarves are intended for anyone who can benefit from a token of love and support from the New Hope community. On the third Sunday of each month, all are invited to bring their knitting or crochet projects.

Study on Exodus: "Who and Whose We Are"

Rev. Dr. Darryl Stephens will lead this class on the Old Testament: its people, its drama, and the ways they encountered God along their journey. Come to learn about the past and how it teaches us for our present day. Darryl enjoys the preparation, you will enjoy the discussion and insights! Wednesdays at New Hope UMC, 7-8:30 p.m., October 12 & 19; November 2, 9, & 16 (note: no class on Wed., Oct. 26!)

Read Exodus chapter 1:1-7:7 in preparation for the first class!

Tuesday Bible Class with Luncheon

Bring your own lunch and join Bible study! Beginning October 4th, every Tuesday from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Youth Group Gathering

Youth grades 6 and up are invited to join our youth group meetings on Fridays, 6-8 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.

Membership Exploration Class

A four-week program begins Thursday, September 29 from 11:15 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. Anyone who would like to know more about the United Methodist Church, its history, theology and doctrine are welcome! Participants will be invited to join the New Hope membership this fall.

Worship in October

Join us for Worship in October:
  • October 2, Rev. SoYoung Kim will be preaching on "Bearing Fruit," Matthew 21:33-46
  • October 9, Rev. SoYoung Kim will be preaching on "One Heart and One Vision," Romans 15:1-6
  • October 16, Sheila Moyer & Barb Kurtz will lead us in celebrating laity Sunday and kicking off our stewardship campaign, "Serving God with Vision," Matthew 6:24-33
  • October 23, Rev. SoYoung Kim will be preaching on "Serving God with the Cost," Luke 14:27-33
  • October 30, Rev. SoYoung Kim will be preaching on "Serving God with Joyful Heart," 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 24 event at Nonno Pino's - come join the fun!

Please join us on Monday, October, 24 at Nonno Pino's in Edison Park for the Baird Warner Goodwill Benefit. 20% of proceeds from the evening will benefit the food pantry. The event begins at 5:00pm. Nonno Pino's is located at 6718 Northwest Highway. Come join the fun, enjoy great food, and help raise funds for the New Hope Community Food Pantry!
Special thanks to Lisa Sanders and Baird & Warner in Edgebrook for sponsoring this event.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Church Council has announced that Sunday, September 25 will be Rally Day.

Activities include:

Blessing of the Backpacks ~ Everyone is invited to bring their backpack, briefcase, blackberry, or any item that represents your life of school or work or volunteerism ~ receive a blessing as you step into your routines, hopefully refreshed by the summer.

Sunday's Cool for children will begin. In addition to the nursery, there will be two classes ~ one for ages 5 & 6 and the other for ages 7 & up.

Picnic after worship. We hope for good weather so we may have an outdoor barbeque. You are invited to Korean Barbeque with side dishes provided by the Church Council. Come hungry, bring a friend.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)

Tuesday, September 27th at 7 - 8:30 pm.
Book Group this month will be at the home of Myka & Darryl Stephens, 5928 Crain Street, Morton Grove.
Everyone is welcome to this group ~ come whenever you wish to share conversation on that month's chosen book.

All Hands ~ for the New Hope Community Food Pantry

Please mark your calendar for Saturday, October 8th, from 9 - 11 am. Anyone who has volunteered or supported the food pantry in any way is invited for coffee and doughnuts as a thank you for your caring ways. It will also be the chance to hear an update and share ideas with the board members.

HopeFest ~ Together with First UMC of Park Ridge and First UMC of Des Plaines...

Thanks to all who participated in our Hope Fest.
If you still have your Piggy bank box, please bring it to church on Sunday.

Together with other United Methodists and community members:
600 Thank you bags of cookies, cards and prayer squares were made and delivered to First Responders.
50 volunteers worked at the Youth Campus
4000 items to the 3 food pantries
Over 25 people to Bethany Terrace
12 units of blood donated at New Hope joined with 68 units elsewhere
and other projects.
Over 1200 people participated throughout the day.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Worship for the second half of September

Please join us for worship in September. On September 18 we will welcome Bishop Zothan Mawia as our guest preacher. On September 25, Pastor SoYoung will be preaching from the Gospel of Matthew, 21:23-32.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Join our team as together we honor the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Center/Pentagon attacks with a day of solemn remembrance and HOPE-affirming volunteer action across our community.

The day's activities (in lieu of our usual worship schedule) will include a morning ecumenical prayer service, a celebration of our local first responders, Salvation Army disaster recovery seminar, the Advocate Lutheran General KIDS Fair, LifeSource blood drive, CPR training classes, Park Ridge Youth Campus work project, food pantry collection... and more! Whether it's just one hour or the whole day, it's your chance to embody HOPE by giving back to your community!

Find out how you can help! For a schedule of events and locations, volunteer sign-up, and donation opportunities, visit us online at

HOPEFEST 2011 is a community outreach event of First UMC Park Ridge, First UMC Des Plaines, and New Hope UMC of Norwood Park, Chicago.

New Hope Food Pantry item for August: Paper Products

During August, New Hope will focus on collecting paper products for the New Hope Community Food Pantry. Items such as paper towels, facial tissues, bathroom tissues, baby diapers, brown paper shopping bags, etc. will be appreciated. You are welcome to bring these items to church any Sunday this month.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Book Group meets Tuesday, August 30, 7pm

Join us on Tuesday, August 30 at 7 pm to discuss I Take Thee Serenity by Daisy Newman.

We will meet at Bob and Shirley Burkhart’s home, 6034 Grove Ct, Morton Grove, 60053.

An inspirational story of Serenity and Peter, a young people confronted with the problem of making a true marriage in the midst of the world's demands. Shares Quaker beliefs. For all readers. “Rennie's simple quest for a church to marry her fiance becomes a wonderful discovery of her family roots, her spirituality, family values, and a deeper love that can't help but warm the reader's heart. “

Worship in August: The Teachings of Jesus in Matthew

Join us in August as we hear Pastor SoYoung preach on the gospel of Matthew.

August 7 - Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus walks on the water

August 14 - Matthew 15:21-28, The Canaanite Woman’s Faith

August 21 - Matthew 16:13-20, Peter’s Declaration about Jesus

August 28 - Matthew 16:21-28, “If any want to be my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

Church Council Report for July 2011

Circumstances have led to the decision to cancel Summer Arts Ministry. Initially scheduled for late July, the Council discussed postponing SAM I AM due to the floods and pastoral transitions. New Hope did receive a $1000 grant for SAM I AM and is checking to see if the monies can be used for a kids’ program in the fall. Stay tuned…

At the July Council meeting, gratitude abounded for the commitment and generosity of this church community. At the midpoint of the year, pledges received were equal to 50% of the amount pledged for the year. We are right on schedule! In addition, there was overwhelming support for our 4 week sound system fund drive, “So the Word Can Be Heard!” With a goal of $6000 and 100% participation of the Church Council, Trustees and Choir (and the 2nd row!), all goals were exceeded. The total received was $7184.42. The sound system is installed and the
remainder of the monies will be utilized for the flood control system.

The bid on the flood control was just over $7000. New Hope (thanks to quick work by Pastor Wendy and Sheila Moyer) received a grant for $5000 from Community Partners for the Common Good (CPCG). The work on the flood control system is scheduled to begin on Monday, August 8th. The council wisely delayed the renovation of the basement until after the system is
put in. Bids are in and a contractor has been retained.

The next Church Council meeting is Monday, August 8. We will focus our work on the ministries and programs of the New Hope community as we look toward fall.

In a summer of perpetual “distractions” and significant change, we continue to learn and celebrate God in the midst of those distractions and transitions. The love and persistence of this community deepens. The ministry is sturdy. Thank you for being a part of this community and sharing the love of Jesus with each other.
~Submitted by Julie Bruno

New Hope Knitters meet Sunday, August 21

Those interested in our prayer shawl ministry are encouraged to join us after worship on Sunday August 21. Bring your projects and tools, and come join our circle! Contact Julie Bruno if you have any questions or want more information.

Volunteers needed for Greater Chicago Food Depository

We are now recruiting volunteers to help at the September 10 repack day at GCFD. Volunteers (both returning and new volunteers) are needed to repack food at this center which supplies food for our New Hope Pantry. Group will meet to carpool at New Hope at 8 am; return
around 1 pm. Participants must wear long pants and closed toe shoes (regardless of weather). All are asked to bring a food item or two to give to the Depository. If interested, contact Bob Burkhart at 847-583-1088 or

If you know of someone not involved who might be interested, pass on this information.

PS. Plan ahead to participate on October 22.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No Adult Study Groups Planned for Fall

At this time, there are no study groups planned for this fall. For planning future adult study groups, it would be helpful to have feedback from our community. If there is a particular topic you are interested in learning about or discussing, please let Pastor SoYoung know.

In the meantime, those seeking a place to discuss theological themes and issues are invited to participate in the New Hope Book Group.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Target employees' Community Work Day

Special thanks to Target employees for their recent work day. Employees from the Niles, HIP, and Brickyard stores spent several hours helping the New Hope Community Food Pantry with cleaning, organizing, and stocking shelves. Many thanks for their assistance, what a difference it made!

Summer Arts Ministry is coming in July!

Join us for Summer Arts Ministry (SAM I Am) on July 25-28, 6-8 p.m. For children ages 3 through 12, we will have dinner followed by art activities, games, singing, and FUN! Mark your calendars now and registration forms will be available after June 2.

Thanks to area post offices and community donations

Add ImageSpecial thanks to the Norwood Park, Jefferson Park, and Edgebrook post offices for their "Stamp Out Hunger" donations to the New Hope Community Food Pantry. We received thousands of items! Thank you to everyone in these communities who donated to their letter carriers.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Souper Supper is Coming Soon!

Third Annual Souper Supper
Saturday, February 26 at 6:00 p.m.

By the end of February, we'll all have Cabin Fever - so plan on a night out! Treat your family and invite your friends and neighbors. Due to the popularity of our past Souper Suppers and their overflow of diners, we are limiting our seating this year to those who have purchased tickets. This means you must have a ticket to enjoy this year's array of stupendous soups!

The price is $12 for adults, $6 for children 12 and under.

For this small amount, you will enjoy homemade soups, salad, bread and desserts. There will be musical entertainment in the sanctuary following our supper. This will include the vibraphone, some rhythm & blues, and rock--upbeat favorites are promised!

There will be door prizes awarded to lucky ticket holders.

We could use a few more worker bees to set up the day before, pick up donated foods the day of, or clean up after. If you have new items to donate for door prizes, please see Helene. Please check out our signup sheet and see where you can fill in a blank to do your part or contact Liz Okayama.

Whatever you do, don't miss this year's Souper Supper! Mark your calendars and buy your tickets!

Volunteer at the Greater Chicago Food Depository

The Food Depository is an interesting and well-run operation. . . the perfect place to spend a Saturday morning!

Future dates for volunteer groups are March 12, April 16 and May 21.

Volunteers meet at New Hope at 8:00 a.m. and return around 1:00 p.m. Bring along one or two food items for the Depository.

Contact Bob Burkhart, 847-583-1088, to reserve your spot.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Shawls and scarves are now available for anyone who can benefit from a token of love and support from the New Hope community. This ministry has many facets: you do not have to knit or crochet to be a part of its warm intentions. If you know of someone who needs to receive a prayer shawl, please let Pastor Wendy know of this need. Also, if you could help to deliver prayer shawls or scarves this would be much appreciated.

The third Sunday of each month all are invited to bring their knitting or crochet projects to show off or to ask for help. Come with your tools and join our circle.

Worship with us in February

Paul's letter to the early church in Corinth offers inspiration for February:
Feb. 6 - I Corinthians 2:1-12; The Power is ON (us)!
Feb. 13 - I Corinthians 3:1-9; It's not about you (or me)
Feb. 20 - I Corinthians 3:10-11; Laying the Foundation
Feb. 27 - I Corinthians 4:1-5, Psalm 131, & Isaiah 49; God Does Not Forget

March 22 - Sarah's Key

The New Hope UMC Book Group will meet on Tuesday, March 22 at 7 p.m. to discuss Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.

This story of the Holocaust, as it occurre in France, is a lesser known story. This one is told through the experience of a 10 year old girl in Paris. It is striking to come to understand that the detainment of Jewish families "was carried out, not by the Gestapo, but by ordinary French policemen, enabled by a citizenry that for the most part looked the other way." This is a novel based on historical occurrences and was published in 2007.

March's book group discussion will be hosted by Bob and Shirley Burkhart, 6034 Grove Court, Morton Grove.

February 22 - Journey to the Common Good

The New Hope UMC Book Group will meet on February 22 at 7 p.m. to discuss Walter Brueggemann's Journey to the Common Good.

Can the simple concept of neighborliness show us the way to a greater common good? Brueggemann's work is for churches who dare to resist the constant temptations of wealth, might, and worldly wisdom, and who seek God's transformation of their specific neighborhoods. He offers scriptural stories that illustrate God's call for our churches to move in this direction, and his words come as sweet encouragement to churches who are starting to take baby steps in this direction. Although sometimes a bit challenging in its form as well as its content, Journey to the Common Good is one book that is worth the effort! This book was published in 2010 and is available at

February's book group discussion will be hosted by Liz Okayama, 4340 N. Marmora, Chicago.

Lay Academy for Chicago Northwestern District, Feb. 19 & 26

Are you a teacher, committee member or officer in your church? Do you share God's Good News and the Love of Jesus with others? We are looking for you! We each "speak" for God through our daily lives and the use of our unique gifts and talents.
Lay Academy: a district-wide annual event
Saturdays, February 19 & 26
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
First UMC, Park Ridge
All laity and clergy are welcome. These courses will help you better serve your local church. Registration is $35 for both days, including all materials, breakfast and lunch. Flyers with more information are available at the church office. Contact Vivian Matthews for more information.