Saturday, February 12, 2011

Souper Supper is Coming Soon!

Third Annual Souper Supper
Saturday, February 26 at 6:00 p.m.

By the end of February, we'll all have Cabin Fever - so plan on a night out! Treat your family and invite your friends and neighbors. Due to the popularity of our past Souper Suppers and their overflow of diners, we are limiting our seating this year to those who have purchased tickets. This means you must have a ticket to enjoy this year's array of stupendous soups!

The price is $12 for adults, $6 for children 12 and under.

For this small amount, you will enjoy homemade soups, salad, bread and desserts. There will be musical entertainment in the sanctuary following our supper. This will include the vibraphone, some rhythm & blues, and rock--upbeat favorites are promised!

There will be door prizes awarded to lucky ticket holders.

We could use a few more worker bees to set up the day before, pick up donated foods the day of, or clean up after. If you have new items to donate for door prizes, please see Helene. Please check out our signup sheet and see where you can fill in a blank to do your part or contact Liz Okayama.

Whatever you do, don't miss this year's Souper Supper! Mark your calendars and buy your tickets!

Volunteer at the Greater Chicago Food Depository

The Food Depository is an interesting and well-run operation. . . the perfect place to spend a Saturday morning!

Future dates for volunteer groups are March 12, April 16 and May 21.

Volunteers meet at New Hope at 8:00 a.m. and return around 1:00 p.m. Bring along one or two food items for the Depository.

Contact Bob Burkhart, 847-583-1088, to reserve your spot.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Shawls and scarves are now available for anyone who can benefit from a token of love and support from the New Hope community. This ministry has many facets: you do not have to knit or crochet to be a part of its warm intentions. If you know of someone who needs to receive a prayer shawl, please let Pastor Wendy know of this need. Also, if you could help to deliver prayer shawls or scarves this would be much appreciated.

The third Sunday of each month all are invited to bring their knitting or crochet projects to show off or to ask for help. Come with your tools and join our circle.

Worship with us in February

Paul's letter to the early church in Corinth offers inspiration for February:
Feb. 6 - I Corinthians 2:1-12; The Power is ON (us)!
Feb. 13 - I Corinthians 3:1-9; It's not about you (or me)
Feb. 20 - I Corinthians 3:10-11; Laying the Foundation
Feb. 27 - I Corinthians 4:1-5, Psalm 131, & Isaiah 49; God Does Not Forget

March 22 - Sarah's Key

The New Hope UMC Book Group will meet on Tuesday, March 22 at 7 p.m. to discuss Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.

This story of the Holocaust, as it occurre in France, is a lesser known story. This one is told through the experience of a 10 year old girl in Paris. It is striking to come to understand that the detainment of Jewish families "was carried out, not by the Gestapo, but by ordinary French policemen, enabled by a citizenry that for the most part looked the other way." This is a novel based on historical occurrences and was published in 2007.

March's book group discussion will be hosted by Bob and Shirley Burkhart, 6034 Grove Court, Morton Grove.

February 22 - Journey to the Common Good

The New Hope UMC Book Group will meet on February 22 at 7 p.m. to discuss Walter Brueggemann's Journey to the Common Good.

Can the simple concept of neighborliness show us the way to a greater common good? Brueggemann's work is for churches who dare to resist the constant temptations of wealth, might, and worldly wisdom, and who seek God's transformation of their specific neighborhoods. He offers scriptural stories that illustrate God's call for our churches to move in this direction, and his words come as sweet encouragement to churches who are starting to take baby steps in this direction. Although sometimes a bit challenging in its form as well as its content, Journey to the Common Good is one book that is worth the effort! This book was published in 2010 and is available at

February's book group discussion will be hosted by Liz Okayama, 4340 N. Marmora, Chicago.

Lay Academy for Chicago Northwestern District, Feb. 19 & 26

Are you a teacher, committee member or officer in your church? Do you share God's Good News and the Love of Jesus with others? We are looking for you! We each "speak" for God through our daily lives and the use of our unique gifts and talents.
Lay Academy: a district-wide annual event
Saturdays, February 19 & 26
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
First UMC, Park Ridge
All laity and clergy are welcome. These courses will help you better serve your local church. Registration is $35 for both days, including all materials, breakfast and lunch. Flyers with more information are available at the church office. Contact Vivian Matthews for more information.