Sunday, October 10, 2010

Scrip Sunday is Coming!

Scrip orders due October 10th and 17th!

As most of you know, this is an ongoing fundraiser for New Hope. When you buy Scrip, you get gift cards to use for shopping, gifts for birthdays or other special occasions, dining out, or whatever you want. New Hope receives a percentage of your purchase, so this is a great way to help New Hope and you don't spend anything extra!

Scrip Sunday order dates: October 10 & 17
Scrip Sunday delivery date: October 24

New order and vendor lists are available in the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall on the information tables. Make checks payable to New Hope UMC and give orders and checks to Trudi Enea or Helen Murphy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Communion Study for Adults and Children

Adults and kids are invited to participate in a special study on the meaning of Holy Communion during the month of October. Rev. Darryl Stephens, our resident deacon, will lead our adult study and it will take place October 10, 17, 24 and 31 following worship. Grab a bite to eat in fellowship hall and adults will gather in the "Brown Room" (next door) for the study. Our children (all ages) will take part in a fun learning experience focusing on communion and worship, while also preparing to lead worship on October 31. A light lunch will be provided for children as well. Led by Pastor Wendy and Deaconess Myka, our kids will meet in the church office and sanctuary. Hope you will plan to join us for this opportunity for education and spiritual growth!

Worship with us in October

Our worship theme for October is "Living the Christian Life: Qualities to Cultivate."

October 3 - "Faith," Luke 17:5-10
October 10 - "Gratitude," Luke 17:11-19
October 17 - "Perseverance," Luke 18:1-8
October 24 - "Humility," Luke 18:9-14
October 31 - "Generosity," Luke 19:1-10

Charge Conference is November 17!

Our annual meeting with our District Superintendent will be Wednesday, November 17 at 7 p.m. Staff-Parish Relations Committee will meet beforehand with Rev. Preston at 6:30. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!

Church Office staffing update

Helen Murphy continues to recover at home following her back surgery in July. Meanwhile, we give thanks to Norma Miller, who pitched in SO much over the summer and early fall. Norma will return to Florida on October 11. If you can help on Wednesdays or Thursdays in the church office with answering phones, preparing mailings, etc., contact Pastor Wendy at 773-775-1215.

Nurture Volunteer Opportunities

Each of you is invited to consider participating in the special nurture roles that we have available each week.

Greeters arrive 15-20 minutes ahead of worship and welcome members, friends and guests to worship on Sunday mornings with warm smiles and friendly greetings. They hand out worship bulletins and children's bulletins and encourage us to wear our name tags. We are in need of greeters each week for the next few months. Please contact Julie Bruno if you are interested in learning more about serving as a greeter. Training can be provided.

Lectionary readers welcome us to worship at the beginning of each Sunday service and read the Bible lesson(s) for that week. This is an opportunity to actively participate in worship as you come forward to the microphone and speak. Readers are provided with the information they will read by Thursday to allow time for preparation to read on Sunday. You are asked to prayerfully consider participating in worship in this way.

Each week, we gather as a community after worship for fellowship and snacks. We take turns as a community to host the fellowship hour. We are in need of hosts each week that we don't have potluck. Hosting involves bringing snacks to share like breads, crackers, cheese, fruit, veggies, or cookies. The church provides dishes, utensils and drinks. There is a sign-up sheet on the bench as you enter the fellowship room. Set up and clean up assistance is always available.

Girl Scout troop is beginning here at New Hope!

Beginning this fall, New Hope will be hosting a newly formed Girl Scout Troop! The group will meet on Thursday evenings and will be open to girls in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Watch for more news and the faces of smiling girls around the church.
If you would like more information for a child, please contact Patty Johnson.

October topic for Evening Bible Study group

“Beginnings” is an “Intro to Christianity” class and discussion group, led by Pastor Wendy. This will be helpful for those new to our church as well as those who have been followers of Jesus for a long time! The class will include individual study during the week, a video segment and time for discussion. This is a great chance to brush up on the basics for all of us on the spiritual journey. Advance Registration is necessary. E-mail Pastor Wendy or sign up on Sunday morning. The class will begin on October 13 and end the week before Thanksgiving.

October topic for Morning Bible Study group

This group will reconvene on Oct. 13 at 10:30. We will be studying “12 Moments in Every Woman’s Life” by Joan Chittister.
There may also be a Friday morning group studying the same book, at 9:15 a.m. Stay tuned for more info the Friday group!

Food Pantry Seeks Your Help

Our Food Pantry needs assistance...
Each Monday: We need help at 9 a.m. for unloading vans of food.
If you have a vehicle that can handle a load of food, help is needed with early pickup from the Chicago Food Depository. We leave early to arrive there by 7 am.
Each Tuesday: We need assistance from 9:00-11:30 when our clients come in.
For more info contact Bill Murphy, Director.

Volunteer Opportunities for Greater Chicago Food Depository

Join us as a volunteer to repack food at the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Saturday, Oct. 23, Nov. 20, and Dec. 18 (choose one or two dates!) Volunteers will meet at New Hope at 8 am; return will be around 1 pm. Advance reservations are necessary because we are limited in number of persons who can go. Contact Bob Burkhart if interested, 847-583-1088. Volunteers are reminded to bring along one or two food items for the Depository.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Holiday Distribuitons

Mark your calendars for the following special holiday food distributions:
November 20 - Thanksgiving distribution
December 18 - Christmas/Winter holiday distribution

Items Urgently Needed for Food Pantry

We are in need of the following items:
Canned Fruit
Baking Items
Paper Towels
Canned Meats (Ham, Spam, Chicken, Tuna)
One Pot Meals (Chili, Hash, Ravioli, Spaghetti, etc.)

Bring your donations to the food pantry storage closet, located in the fellowship hall. Thank you!

Food Pantry receives grant

Thank you to the Opus Foundation for their generous grant of $2500. The money will be used for food credit as well as school supplies and backpacks.

Backpack Drive Success

The New Hope Community Food Pantry distributed 150 backpacks in August to pantry clients with school-age clients, all filled with school supplies. In addition, some individual school supplies (without backpacks) were distributed the last two weeks of the month.

We would like to extend a special thanks to Walmart, located on Touhy Ave. in Niles, for their generous contributions and to all who helped with the backpack assembly on July 23.

Thank you to donors!

In July and August, the New Hope Community Food Pantry continued to receive donations from the following regular donors:
Edison Park UMC, JoAnn Rapp, Norwood Park Lutheran Church, La Flour Bakery, Rev. Marilyn Doering, Noreen Brennan, M.L. Murphy, Joe Janesku, Our Savior Lutheran Church, E. Pacelt, Sheila Taylor, The Summit of Uptown Park Ridge, Jefferson Park UCC, Eileen Skupien, Edison Park Community Church, Dolores Gustavson, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Laura Banash, Ebinger School, Rose Lacey, Lorette Geiger, Irene Dobosz, Residents of Chestnut Square, Theresa Jonas, Wendy Chankin, Eileen Smith, Marlene Filskov, Carol Filskov, Terri Chapp, Fr. Greg Sakowicz, Marilyn Hnatusko, Congregational Church of Jefferson Park, Jean Wise, Sharon Sikes, and Tina Starc.

It would be very difficult to do the work of the pantry without you and your donations, and all our loyal volunteers.