Monday, October 4, 2010

Nurture Volunteer Opportunities

Each of you is invited to consider participating in the special nurture roles that we have available each week.

Greeters arrive 15-20 minutes ahead of worship and welcome members, friends and guests to worship on Sunday mornings with warm smiles and friendly greetings. They hand out worship bulletins and children's bulletins and encourage us to wear our name tags. We are in need of greeters each week for the next few months. Please contact Julie Bruno if you are interested in learning more about serving as a greeter. Training can be provided.

Lectionary readers welcome us to worship at the beginning of each Sunday service and read the Bible lesson(s) for that week. This is an opportunity to actively participate in worship as you come forward to the microphone and speak. Readers are provided with the information they will read by Thursday to allow time for preparation to read on Sunday. You are asked to prayerfully consider participating in worship in this way.

Each week, we gather as a community after worship for fellowship and snacks. We take turns as a community to host the fellowship hour. We are in need of hosts each week that we don't have potluck. Hosting involves bringing snacks to share like breads, crackers, cheese, fruit, veggies, or cookies. The church provides dishes, utensils and drinks. There is a sign-up sheet on the bench as you enter the fellowship room. Set up and clean up assistance is always available.

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