Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Serving God with Vision!

Please join us for a season of stewardship emphasis beginning Sunday, October 16th. We plan on joyfully celebrating this time by putting a special emphasis on our children and youth ministry as well as celebrating our other ministries. We know that they are our future and we want to continue to develop a vital ministry here at New Hope!

We also plan to have fun exploring this with skits and personal stories, so expect to learn, laugh, be encouraged and be inspired.

Who know what can happen as we open our hearts and minds to SEE the possibilities in our lives? What do your truly SEE for New Hope? What is your part in this vision and how can we come together? How can we use our monetary resources to support the vision?

On Celebration Sunday, November 20, we will enjoy our bountiful potluck dinner and collect financial commitment cards for 2012.

WARNING: As God opens our eyes, we may SEE things we never saw before!

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